biography | cv

​_geboren in 1976, Ninove, Belgium
Woont en werkt in Gent.
« In Antes kunst leunen tekenen, schrijven en construeren, kijken, lezen en zich verspreken zo dicht tegen elkaar aan, dat ze mekaar wel eens omarmen. »
(Frank Maes)
In het werk van Belgisch kunstenaar Ante Timmermans staat de absurditeit van het leven, haar cycli en repetitiviteit centraal. Hij stelt vragen over ons bestaan en hoe stil te blijven in de chaos. Repetitieve structuren in zijn werk doen een poging om deze chaos te organiseren. Terwijl in zijn vroegere oeuvre Timmermans vaak figuratief aan het werk ging om de waargenomen absurditeit van (sociale) systemen te veruitwendigen, is zijn recente praktijk veelal abstract en verwijst het naar niets buiten zichzelf. Doorheen Timmermans praktijk in tekenkunst, schilderkunst, beeldhouwkunst, installatie en performance, speelt taal en het jongleren met woorden en betekenissen een belangrijke rol. Recente solotentoonstellingen van Ante Timmermans vonden o.a. plaats in Garage Neven, Ninove (2023), OV Project, Brussel (met Bernd Lohaus) (2021), Emergent, Veurne (met Charl van Ark) (2019), Les Tanneries, Centre d'art contemporain, Amilly (2019), GEM, Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Den Haag (2016), Be-Part, Waregem (2015) en Kunsthalle Sao Paulo, Brazilië (2014). Zijn werk wordt getoond in groepstentoonstellingen wereldwijd en maakt deel uit van voorname collecties in België en daarbuiten.
_solo exhibitions
Valerie Traan gallery, Antwerp
MAYBE , Garage Neven , Ninove, Belgium
OV Project 28, Bernd Lohaus >< Ante Timmermans, ov project room, Brussels, Belgium
Zwiefall, Charl van Ark & Ante Timmermans, Emergent, Veurne, Belgium
RIEN DE NIER DE RIEN, Les Tanneries, Center d'art contemporain, Amilly, France
O0, GEM, Museum of Contemporary Art, The Hague, The Netherlands
OHNMIT, Be-Part, Waregem, Belgium
ICHTS, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
)pause(, Barbara Seiler Gallery, Frieze London, UK
Ordem do Progresso, Kunsthalle Sao Paulo, Brasilia
[Pause.], Barbara Seiler Galerie, Art Brussels, Belgium
DRUSBA, Sputnik, GA/GA Basel, Switzerland
ANTE POST ANTE, Art Museum St.Gallen, Switzerland
Le gardien de l'ennui, Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland
work statt work, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
Zeitvertreib, Benedengalerie, Kortrijk, Belgium
Architektur der Disziplin, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Art Rotterdam 2011, Rotterdam, NL
Poesie der Langeweile, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
Poesie des alltäglichen, oT Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Lucerne, Switzerland
Die Wand ist totally super #3, Galerie Zink Berlin Interim, Germany
Construction#1, BE-PART platform for Contemporary Art, Waregem, Belgium
Artist in Residence, Open Studio, Zink Gallery inc., New York, USA
Mindscape, Galerie Zink, Munich, Germany
ante timmermans/john pilson, Galerie Zink, Berlin, Germany
Mapping (Proposal#3), Ruimte Morguen, Antwerp, Belgium
Mapping the city (Proposal#2), Kunstverein, Ahlen, Germany (cat.)
Space Morguen, Antwerp, Belgium
Galerie EL, Welle, Belgium
Mind map, Croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium
bored control, Galerie EL, Welle, Belgium
Drawings, SEAS, Scharpoord, Knokke-Heist, Belgium
2022 Curator KRASJ-6, The (im)possible encounter, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ninove
2016 [ ], Art integration, De Brug primary school, Erpe-Mere
Staatliche Grafische Sammlung, Munich, Germany
Fundación 'La Caixa', Barcelona, ​​Spain
Art Museum St. Gallen, Switzerland
Musee Jenisch, Vevey, Switzerland
SMAK - Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent, Belgium
Mu.ZEE - Museum of Modern Art, Ostend. Belgium
Collection Flemish Community
Flemish Parliament Collection
Federal Art Collection, Switzerland
Kantonale Kunstsammlung, Zurich, Switzerland
Credit Suisse Art Collection
Die Schweizerische Post, Bern, Switzerland
Nestle Collection, Switzerland
National Bank of Belgium, Belgium
Collection province East Flanders, Belgium
Collection Nedko Solakov
Musae Foundation
Private Collections
​_born in 1976, Ninove, Belgium
Lives and works in Ghent.
« In Ante's art, drawing, writing and constructing, looking, reading and fluffing converge so strongly that they sometimes seem to embrace each other. »
(Frank Maes)
The work of Belgian artist Ante Timmermans is inspired by the absurdity of living, its cycles and repetitiveness. It raises questions about our existence and how to remain still in this noise. Repetitive structures included in his work attempt to organise the surrounding chaos. While in earlier works, Timmermans often resorted to figurative work to express the perceived absurdity of (social) systems, his recent work is abstract, not standing in for anything but itself. Language and the juggling of words and meaning play a constant role throughout his practice, which involves drawing, painting, sculpture, installation and performance. Recent solo exhibitions of Ante Timmermans include Garage Neven, Ninove (2023), OV Project, Brussels (with Bernd Lohaus) (2021), Emergent, Veurne (with Charl van Ark) (2019), Les Tanneries, Centre d'art contemporain, Amilly (2019), GEM, Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Den Haag (2016), Be-Part, Waregem (2015) and Kunsthalle Sao Paulo, Brazil (2014). His work has been shown in numerous group exhibitions worldwide, and is part of prominent collections both in Belgium and abroad.
_group exhibitions (selection)
In Sole Ambulare, The Merode, Brussels, Belgium
Tageldimde Middlegate, Geel, Belgium
Guests, Old Mill Prové, Garage Neven, Ninove, Belgium
Grand Prix Ernest Albert 2023, Prize for Drawing and Free Graphics of the City of Mechelen, De Garage, Mechelen, Belgium (Laureate)
Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer, Verduyn Gallery, Art Summer Moregem, Belgium
What's in an artwork, HISK Gosset site, Brussels, Belgium
2021 - 2022
XXL - Le design en grand, Musée Jenisch Vevey, Switzerland
Artefact 2020 : Alone Together, STUK, Leuven, Belgium
The House of Opportunity, Collection Exhibition SMAK, Cultural Centre and City Museum Menen, Belgium
Known Words, Art Academy Tielt, Belgium
Drawing (Disegno), Square room and Annex | d'Academie Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Mystic Properties, Hôtel de la Poste – Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium
Me, me, me, me, …, Island, Brussels, Belgium
Provincial Prize Visual Arts 1997-2017, Roger Raveel Museum, Machelen-Zulte, Belgium (cat.)
wordswordswords, Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerp, Belgium
WEWANTOSEE, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
BRAVOURE SCARCITY BEAUTY, Belgian pavilion - Architecture Biennial Venice, Italy
DRAWING FRONT, Drawing Center Diepenheim, Diepenheim, The Netherlands
Sammlung mit losen Enden – Einsichten und Aussichten, Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Germany
Drawing | THE BOTTOM LINE, SMAK, Ghent, Belgium
ALFRED JARRY ARCHIPELAGO: La nationale des pantins – Acte I, Quartier, center d'art contemporain de Quimper, France
[Un]completed Past Tense, LUCA Biennale 2015, University Library Leuven, Belgium
Little Hisk, Antwerp, Belgium
Cartography of the Mind's I, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
KRASJ, Biennial of Contemporary Art, Ninove, Belgium
Traction Avant, CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium
The Ambition of the Territory, AWJGGRAUaDVVTAT, Belgian pavilion - Architecture Biennial Venice, Italy
Manifesta 9, The Deep of the Modern, The European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Genk, Limburg, Belgium
All work and no play, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin, Germany
Accidental Thoughts and Metaphors, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA
Der Reiz derbelanglosen Geschichte, Galerie Zink, Berlin, Germany
MärklinWorld, Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Nullportrait, Galerie Zink, Berlin, Germany
Tomorrow Is The Question | Collection presentation, SMAK, Ghent, Belgium
Splendid isolation, Freestate, Ostend, Belgium
It's raining, fighting youngsters, Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
In- and outside - writing, Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium
Zeichnung und Raum, Galerie im Gluri Suter Huus Wettingen, Switzerland
Voici un dessin suisse, 1990-2010, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
Cabinet of Curiosities from Belgium for Europe, Cabinet of Mr. Van Rompuy, Brussels, Belgium
(when will they finally see) the power of drawing, Geukens & De Vil, Antwerp, Belgium
Voici un dessin suisse, 1990-2010, Musée Rath, Geneva, Switzerland
Guestroom HISK, Museum Het Domein, Sittard, Netherlands (curator Roel Arkesteijn)
Pictography, Roger Raveel Museum, Machelen-Zulte, Belgium
Chest of drawers project (Simon Benson), Phœbus gallery, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
you can tell a cowboy by the horse he rides, Barbara Seiler Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
Jahresgaben 2009, Kunstverein Munich eV, Germany
contenidos en un plano, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City
Swiss Art Awards, Basel, Switzerland
Die Gegenwart der Linie, Eine Auswahl neuerer Erwerbungen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, Pinakothek der Moderne, Staatliche
Graphic Collection Munich, Germany (cat.)
Clinamen, The Markets, Brussels, Belgium, Lokaal01, Breda, The Netherlands
Modellhaft, Kunstraum Riehen, Basel, Switzerland
Drawing Actions, de Halle, Geel, Belgium
Ideas in Paint(ing): The visual composition of the place, Cultural Center, Hasselt, Belgium
collection presentation, SMAK, Ghent, Belgium
Ariane de Rothschild Prize, mindscape #2, Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium
what's the point of giving you any more artworks when you don't understand the ones you've got?, works of the own collection,
Galerie Zink, Munich, Germany
environmental drawing Provincial Prize Visual Arts 2007, Caermersklooster, Ghent, Belgium (curator Edith Doove)(cat.)
2007 BLACK IS BLACK, a selection from the recent acquisitions of the SMAK, Ghent, Belgium
2007 3xBelgium, Art and Zwalm 2007, Zwalm, Belgium (cat.)
2007 Open House, Galerie Zink, New York, USA
2007 very selected, a creative work by Marcel van Eeden, Galerie Zink, Munich, Germany
2006 BARRACK -Mapping the city (Proposal#1)-, HISK, Antwerp, Belgium (cat.)
2006 FW:painting, The Factory, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2006 Extiem / Extimate / Extime, Poetry Summer 2006, Watou, Belgium (curator Joost Declercq) (cat.)
2006 Che fare, Open Studios, HISK, Antwerp, Belgium
2006 Leere X Vision - ConneXion, Herford, Germany (curator Maïté Vissault) (cat.)
2005 IN/OUT- Open Studios, HISK, Antwerp, Belgium.
2005 DRAWINGS+, Grusenmeyer Art Gallery, Deurle, Belgium
2005 An Orchestrated Reduction, De Schrijnwerkerij, Geel, Belgium (curator Tanguy Eeckhout & Pieter Matthynssens)
2005 VERSUSIII, Oudenaarde, Belgium (curator Tanguy Eeckhout & Pieter Matthynssens) (cat.)
2004 Boring Boogie-Woogie, Ruimte Morguen, Antwerp, Belgium (curator Thibaut Verhoeven - Marc Schepers)
2004 Eclipse, Bornem - Puurs - Willebroek, Belgium (curator Stef Van Bellingen) (cat.)
2004 Jan Lijzeen, new Flemish artist (2003), l'autre génie d'art sans talent, Richard Foncke Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
2003 For your eyes only, Arts Festival 'Feel Estate', Minardschouwburg, Ghent, Belgium
2003 Ghent New 2003, Saint Peter's Abbey, Ghent, Belgium (curator Piet Vanrobaeys)
2002 The Art Salon 2002, Sint-Pietersabdij, Ghent, Belgium
2002 Start>>
2001 Project-i(s)les, St-Michelgebouw, Brussels, Belgium (curator Eva Gonzalez-Sancho) (cat.)