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An Art Brussels inspired gallery exhibition.

Filip Dujardin, Paul Gees, Geert Vanoorlé, Frederic Geurts, Babs Decruyenaere, Victoria Adam 

and a glimpse at the near future, to be continued.

until 17.07.2021

Show also visible online at ARTSY

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INSIDE | curated by valerie_traan gallery

An Art Brussels inspired gallery exhibition.
Online and at the gallery space in Antwerp.

With Filip Dujardin, Paul Gees, Geert Vanoorlé, Frederic Geurts, Babs Decruyenaere, Victoria Adam and a glimpse at the near future, to be continued.

Art Brussels WEEK celebrates a week of contemporary art through a fascinating online and offline programme of exhibitions.

During the Art Brussels WEEK, participating galleries match their Art Brussels online presentations with their physical exhibitions in the galleries.

Online Viewing Rooms: 01-14.06.2021
Offline exhibition at the gallery: 17.07.2021


Simultaniously at the gallery until 12.06.2021

"OK" by Frederic Geurts and John Van Oers.

INSIDE | curated by valerie_traan gallery

Een door Art Brussels  geïnspireerde galerietentoonstelling.

Online en in de galerieruimte in Antwerpen.

Met Filip Dujardin, Paul Gees, Geert Vanoorlé, Frederic Geurts, Babs Decruyenaere, Victoria Adam en een blik op de nabije toekomst, ...

Art Brussels WEEK, een week van hedendaagse kunst in een boeiend online en offline tentoonstellingsprogramma.

Tijdens de Art Brussels WEEK stemmen de deelnemende galeries hun Art Brussels online presentaties af op hun fysieke tentoonstellingen in de galeries.

Online ARTSY : 01-14.06.2021

Offline tentoonstelling in de galerie: 17.07.2021


Gelijktijdig in de galerie tot 12.06.2021

"OK" by Frederic Geurts and John Van Oers.

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valerie_traan gallery


valerie_troost gallery



reyndersstraat 12


2000 antwerp


hertstraat 9


8400 ostend

thu-fri-sat 2-6 pm or by appointment |

belgium |

+32_475 75 94 59 

sat-sun 2-6 pm or by appointment |

belgium |

+32_475 75 94 59

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