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Small Sculptures at Michel Rein Brussels

Victoria Adam, Philip Aguirre y Otegui, Sebastien Bonin, Hilde Borgermans, Nicolas Bourthoumieux, Michele Ciacciofera, Babs Decruyenaere, Hilde De Decker, Mathilde Denize, Paul Gees, Frederic Geurts, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, Félicien Umbreit Lorentz, Willie Morlon, Stefan Nikolaev, Sébastien Pauwels, Enrique Ramírez, Edgar Sarin, Franck Scurti, Anne-Marie Schneider, Octave Vandeweghe, Geert Vanoorlé, Sophie Whettnall, Dome Wood, Raphaël Zarka

until 10.01.2022

a group show curated by Patrick Vanbellinghen & Veerle Wenes at Michel Rein Brussels

images by Vincent Everarts, Ligia Poplawska, Filip Dujardin, and Paul Gees

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reyndersstraat 12


2000 antwerp


hertstraat 9


8400 ostend

thu-fri-sat 2-6 pm or by appointment |

belgium |

+32_475 75 94 59 

sat-sun 2-6 pm or by appointment |

belgium |

+32_475 75 94 59

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