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Ligia Poplawska - portrait.jpg

_Geboren 1994, Polen 

Woont en werkt in Antwerpen, België 


Ligia Popławska is een Poolse fotografe en kunsthistorica gevestigd in Antwerpen, België. Via speculatieve verhalen onderzoekt haar werk de impact van klimaatverandering op onze zintuigen en emoties. Gefascineerd door natuurlijke fenomenen, post-humanistische filosofieën en wetenschappen gaat Popławska met haar op onderzoek gebaseerde projecten dieper in op thema's zoals de menselijke invloed op het milieu en de klimaatcrisis.

Afgestudeerd met een Master en Bachelor in Fotografie aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen en een Bachelor in Kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Gdańsk. In de afgelopen jaren heeft Popławska verschillende prestigieuze prijzen gewonnen, waaronder de Decade of Change Series Award 2022 van het British Journal of Photography, de PhMuseum Days Award (2021) en de Photography Prizen gefinancierd door de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen (2020). Ze is laureaat van .tiff 2022 en lid van FUTURES Photography, genomineerd door FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerpen, en ontvanger van een Emerging Talent Grant van de Vlaamse Overheid. Popławska heeft geëxposeerd op Bienal’23 Fotografia do Porto / Salut au Monde! (Porto), ENCONTROS DA IMAGEM (Braga), FOMU (Antwerpen), De Brakke Grond (Amsterdam), Helsinki Photo Festival, InCadaques Photo Festival, en anderen.

Ligia Popławska werkt als fotograaf op het gebied van product-, architectuur-, mode- en portretfotografie. In 2021-2023 was ze gastprofessor fotografie aan de afdeling Sieradenontwerp, Goud- en Zilversmeden van de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen. Ze heeft gecureerd en geschreven voor een fotografieplatform genaamd Intimate Structures.

_Born 1994, Poland 

Lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium 


Ligia Popławska is a Polish photographer and art historian based in Antwerp, Belgium. Through speculative storytelling, her work explores the impact of climate change on our senses and emotions. Fascinated by natural phenomena, post-humanist philosophies, and sciences, her research-based projects delve into themes such as the human impact on the natural environment and the climate crisis.

Graduated with MFA and BFA in Photography from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and BA in Art History from the University of Gdańsk. In recent years she won several prestigious awards like Decade of Change Series Award 2022 by 1854 British Journal of Photography, PhMuseum Days Award (2021) and Photography Prize funded by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (2020). She is a laureate of .tiff 2022 and member of FUTURES Photography nominated by FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerpen, as well as a recipient of an Emerging Talent Grant from the Flemish Government. Popławska exhibited at Bienal’23 Fotografia do Porto / Salut au Monde! (Porto), ENCONTROS DA IMAGEM (Braga), FOMU (Antwerp), De Brakke Grond (Amsterdam), Helsinki Photo Festival, InCadaques Photo Festival, among others. 

Ligia Popławska works as a photographer in the field of product, architecture, fashion and portrait photography. In 2021-2023 she was a guest professor teaching photography at the Jewellery Design, Gold and Silversmithing Department, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. She curated and wrote for a photography platform Intimate Structures.


_solo exhibitions


Essay for the Future, Fading Senses ― Encontros da Imagem International Photography and Visual Arts Festival, Museu Nogueira da Silva, Braga, Portugal

Acts of Empathy, Fading Senses, Sensitive Territories ― Bienal’23 Fotografia do Porto, Salut au Monde!, Porto, Portugal


A New Beginning, Fading Senses ― PhMuseum Days 2021 International Photography Festival, Bologna, Italy


Fading Senses ― To Be Antwerp Festival, St. Vincents, Antwerp, Belgium
Fading Senses ― To Be Antwerp Festival, Marcel Nies Oriental Art Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

_selected group exhibitions 




Rustling Earth ―duo show with Babs Decruyenaere ― valerie_traan gallery Antwerp


Decade of Change ― InCadaqués Photo Festival, 1854 British Journal of Photography
.tiff 2022 Emerging Belgian Photography ― Flemish Cultural Center De Brakke Grond Amsterdam 

Believe ― Helsinki Photo Festival, The National Museum of Finland
Decade of Change ― Belfast Photo Festival, 1854 British Journal of Photography
.tiff 2022 Emerging Belgian Photography ― FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerpen



Connected ― De Tempel, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
Rethinking nature slide projection ― Foto Wien, European Month of Photography, Vienna 

Rethinking nature slide projection ― Imago Lisboa, European Month of Photography, Lisbon 

NEXUS ― Photo Open Up Photo Festival, Padua
Rethinking nature slide projection ― Casino Luxemburg, European Month of Photography


New Talents 2020, B-Part Gallery, Berlin
Blume! Masters Expo 2020, hosted by FOMU, Antwerp
Masters Expo 2020, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
The Billboard Project: De Quarantaine Editie, Antwerp
Solo Show (MA), Oude Beurs, Antwerp



Missing Mathilde: On the Representation of Women in Public Space, Antwerp

_awards & honors


Leica Oskar Barnack Award, nominee


Emerging Talents Scholarship, Flemish Government
1st Prize Recipient

Decade of Change Series Award 2022, 1st prize winner, 1854 British Journal of Photography
Helsinki Photo Festival, Open Call winner

Jury Member, PhMuseum Days 2022
FUTURES Photography Talent, nominated by FOMU
Selection .tiff 2022, FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerpen


1st Prize Recipient, PhMuseum Days 2021 Open Call Award


 Finalist New Talents, Photographic Exploration Project
Photography Prize, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp







KERB Journal of Landscape Architecture, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia



VOSTOK, Soeul, South Korea
Usbek & Rica, Paris, France



Futures Annual Publication, FUTURES Photography, Amsterdam, Nederlands

.tiff 2022 magazine, FOMU FotoMuseum, Antwerp, Belgium



New Talents 2020, Photographic Exploration Project, Berlin, Germany


FUTURES Photography ― Futures Annual Publication  
FOMU FotoMuseum Antwerp ― .tiff 2022 magazine
Photographic Exploration Project ― New Talents 2020



2024 Safelight Paper ― In conversation with Ligia Popławska


Fisheye Magazine ― La sélection Instagram #425 : esthétique automnale 2022


Velvet Eyes ― Fading Senses by Ligia Popławska (interview)
De Brakke Grond Amsterdam ― Experts Talking: Kaat Somers

De Brakke Grond Amsterdam ― .TIFF 2022
Sound of Life ― 10 Young Photographers To Keep An Eye On
Belfast Photo Festival ― Decade of Change
Helsinki Photo Festival ― Winners Open Call ‘Believe’
1854 British Journal of Photography ― Decade of Change 2022: The Winners
1854 British Journal of Photography ― Winners Decade of Change 2022 Photography Awards
FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerpen ― .TIFF 2022 Emerging Belgian Photography
PhMuseum ― Ligia Popławska On Exhibiting at the PhMuseum Days


C 41 Magazine ― Ligia Popławska explains solastalgia and sensory deprivation
1854 British Journal of Photography ― Identities, realities, and space: XLVI launches a graduate exhibition
PhMuseum Days ― Fading Senses
PhMuseum ― Fabiola Cedillo, Ligia Poplawska and Samuel Fordham Will Exhibit at PhMuseum Days 
PhMuseum ― PhMuseum Days 2021 Open Call Winners Announced 
Decalogue Magazine ― Ligia Popławska


PhMuseum ― Picks 2020: PhMuseum Editors’ Top Projects of 2020, PhMuseum
Desired Spaces ― Future Scenarios for an (Un-)Build Environment: Spaces of Seclusion and Collectiveness, Desired Spaces

_lectures & teaching


2023 — ‘Visual Storytelling Beyond Anthropocene: Geert Goiris and ‘World Without Us’’, 3BA and MA Photography, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium

2021 - 2023

Photography course (1BA - MA) at the Department Jewellery Design & Gold- and silversmithing, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp


British Journal of Photography 1854, New Narratives. Decade of Change: Documenting the Climate Crisis hosted by Zoe Harrison, online


‘What happens if we lose our senses? Ligia Popławska talks about Solastalgia’, PhMuseum Days 2021, Bologna, Italy (2021)


 ‘Visual Storytelling Beyond Anthropocene: Geert Goiris and ‘World Without Us’’, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium (2020)

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