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_Geboren in 1967, Dendermonde, België

Woont en werkt in Gent, België

Thomas Bogaert is een kunstenaar gevestigd in Gent, België. Hij is de zoon van kunstenaar Dré Bogaert en studeerde Animatie en Tekenen aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Gent. Nadat hij op 22-jarige leeftijd beide ouders verloor, begon Thomas Bogaert de wisselwerking tussen tijd en nostalgie te verkennen via tekenen, beeldhouwen, animatie en film.

In 2003 nodigde Jan Hoet hem uit om tentoon te stellen in S.M.A.K., waar hij "The Superfast Series" presenteerde, een Super 8-filmloop van matchbox autootjes. Daarna begon Bogaert zijn werk tentoon te stellen doorheen Europa en publiceerde verschillende kunstboeken. In de zomer van 2018 exposeerde hij bij Annet Gelink Gallery in Amsterdam: "The Angel and the Camera" is een dialoog met de Nederlandse kunstenaar Marijke Van Warmerdam.


Aan het begin van 2024 presenteert hij bij Valerie_traan Gallery in Antwerpen "The Witness". In april neemt hij deel aan Kunstenparcours Coup De Ville "Artist & Athletes, the hill they climb".

_Born in 1967, Dendermonde, Belgium

Lives and works in Ghent, Belgium

Thomas Bogaert is an artist based in Ghent, Belgium. He is the son of artist, Dré Bogaert, and studied Animation and Drawing at the Royal School of Arts in Ghent. After losing both of his parents when he was 22 years old, he began to explore the interplay of time and nostalgia through the mediums of drawing, sculpture, animation and film.

In 2003 Jan Hoet invited him to exhibit at S.M.A.K. where he presented “The Superfast Series”, a Super 8 film loop of matchbox cars. After this Bogaert started exhibiting his work throughout Europe and published several art books. In the summer of 2018, he exhibited at Annet Gelink Gallery in Amsterdam: “The Angel and the Camera” is a dialogue with Dutch artist Marijke Van Warmerdam.

At the start of 2024 he presents at valerie_traan Gallery in Antwerp “The Witness”. In April he will participate at Kunstenparcours Coup De Ville “Artist & Athletes, the hill they climb”.

_exhibitions (selected)


- The Witness, solo show at Valerie_traan gallery, Antwerpen (BE)

- Artist & Athletes, the hill they climb, Kunstenparcours Coup de Ville, Sint-Niklaas (BE)


- The Painter’s Jump, Edition Populaire, solo show, Antwerpen/

- The Painter’s Jump, new art book publication (BE)


- Emergent Invites Valerie Traan, group show, Veurne (BE)

- Salon Blanc, Oostende (BE)

-  Kasteel van Laarne, group show, an initiative by Kris Martin (BE)


- Blik Garage Neven, group show, Ninove (BE)

- PASS 2021, group show, Mullem (BE)

- Paper Butterflies, Official Selection, United States Super 8 Film and Digital Video Festival (US)



- The Chalet Series, solo show at Garage Neven, Ninove (BE)

- Chalets, new art book publication

- Art Feeds - The Wunderwall, a project by Sofie Van De Velde & Plus-ONE Gallery (BE)


Introduction to the Lugano Project, @Junior Hoet (BE)



- Nieuw Amsterdams Peil, duo show with Marijke Van Warmerdam, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)

- Krasj, group show, Ninove (BE)

- The Camera Series, art book curated by Hanneke Skerath & Douglas Fogle

- Celebrations – Part 1 Let there be light, Sofie Van De Velde Gallery (BE)



- Ecce Homo, group show by Galerie Geukens & De Vil, Artspace Marion De Cannière, Eric Rinckhout,

Museum Mayer Van den Bergh, Museum Maagdenhuis, Elzenveld & ZNA St. Elizabeth (BE)

- #infiniteflowersplusone #1, PLUS-ONE Gallery (BE)

- Stone Soup, Gent (BE)


- Mon Opéra, theater collaboration with Arne Sierens and La Magnanerie (FR)

- Biënnale van de schilderkunst 2016, Roger Raveelmuseum (BE)

- We want to see, group show about 150 years friendship between Belgium & Japan,

21st Century Museum of Contemporary art, Kanazawa (JP)


- The Bottom Line, group show, SMAK, Gent (BE)

- Art Genève, boot Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels (BE)

- Art Brussels, boot Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels (BE)

- Slow inflatable, group show, Croxhapox, Gent (BE)

- PASS, group show, Mullem (BE)


- Bande à part, 40 years Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels ( BE)

- Art Focus Gent, presentation of the Limited Edition by Thomas Bogaert for the Friends of SMAK, Ghent (BE)

- Nothing but Good, group exhibition, PARK, Tilburg (NL)

- Art Brussels, boot Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels (BE)

- Art Basel, boot Galerie Albert Baronian, Basel (CH)

- Edition Populaire, Antwerpen (BE)

- Verf na Van Eyck, group show Croxhapox, Gent (BE)

- Passions Secrètes, Collections privées Flamandes, Lille (FR)

- “Ritornando à Gand”, group show Galerie Albert Baronian, Gent (BE)

- “Zeitraum”, Roger Raveelmuseum, Machelen-aan-de-Leie (BE)


- Shame! (Hide & Show), Error One, Brussel (BE)

- Coup de ville, WARP, St-Niklaas (BE)

- Art Festival Watou, Watou 2013 (BE)

- Ik wordt, group show curated by Johan De Wilde, Lier (BE)

- Art Basel, Galerie Albert Baronian (CH)

- The Biennale Online, curated by Jan Hoet (BE)

- Art Brussels, boot Galerie Albert Baronian & participation at The Cinema, curated by Katarina Gregos (BE)

- Art Rotterdam, Galerie Albert Baronian (NL)

- As it ever was, Museumtour at STAM, Mu.ZEE, Muhka , Z33 and WIELS (BE)

- Vinyl in het atelier, Mu.ZEE , Ostend (BE)


- Sint–Jan, group show curated by Jan Hoet, Cathedral Ghent (BE)

- The Paris objects, solo show at Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels (BE)

- FIAC, Galerie Albert Baronian, Paris (FR)


- On the way to the peak of ecstasy, solo show Museum Dhondt–Dhaenens, Deurle (BE)

- Gevaarlijk jong, group show, Museum Dr Guislain, Ghent (BE)


- Art Festival Watou 2010, curated by Joost Declercq (BE)

- Public Private Paintings, group show, Mu.ZEE. Kunstmuseum aan Zee (BE)


- Brainbox 2 unit 9, group show, Croxhapox, Gent (BE)

- Zenne17, group show, Brussels (BE)

- Film projection, together with the Singing Painters, Hoet-Bekaert Summer Gallery (BE)

- WARP Koetshuis, solo show, St.-Niklaas (BE)


- Projections, solo show, Hoet–Bekaert Gallery, Gent (BE)

- European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck (GE)

- Montréal Underground Film Festival, (MUFF), Montréal (CA)

- Croxhapox, solo show, Ghent (BE)

- Rewind, group show, Sint–Niklaas (BE)

- Doing it my way, perspectives on Belgian art, group show, Museum Küppersmuhle, Duisburg (GE)


International Film Festival Rotterdam (NL)

Art Rotterdam, Hoet-Bekaert Gallery (NL)

Starting from Scratch, Super 8 film fest, Amsterdam (NL)

Art Brussels, Hoet-Bekaert Gallery, Brussel (BE)

LA Shorts Festival, L.A. (US)

European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (GE)


Art Brussels, Hoet-Bekaert Gallery (BE)

Fear No Film Festival, Salt Lake City (US)

FLEXiff 2002-2022, film festival, Sydney (AU)

Brainbox unit 2, group show, Croxhapox, Ghent (BE)

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, film festival (FR, GE)

Avanto Festival, film festival, Helsinki (FI)

CineCity, Brighton (UK)

DIVA Art Fair, boot Hoet-Bekaert Gallery, Miami (US)


I am a star and I come and I go, solo show, Hoet-Bekaert Gallery, Gent (BE)


The Superfast Series, solo show, Kunst Nu, SMAK, Ghent (BE)

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8400 ostend

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+32_475 75 94 59 

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