photo attached to an article by Penny McCormick
_Geboren in 1953, Dublin, Ierland
Leeft en werkt in Tielrode, België & Stonefield, North Mayo, Ierland
De schilderijen van Pat Harris gaan zowel over het specifieke als over het universele maar ook en vooral over de taal en mogelijkheden van schilderkunst. Hij schildert refererend aan het landschap en de omgeving waarin hij leeft.
De schilderijen, olieverf op linnen, zijn opgebouwd uit lagen, geschilderd in weken, maanden, in sommige gevallen een jaar of meer. Er worden lagen verf aangebracht die vervolgens weer worden weggeschraapt, vormen worden verplaatst, opnieuw gevormd en overschilderd. Een schilderij is vaak niet meer dan een opeenstapeling van twijfels en onzekerheden. De geschiedenis van het proces, de 'Pentimenti', blijft zichtbaar in het voltooide schilderij. De werken zijn een poging om met verf, met markeringen, niet alleen een rots, een poel of een bloem te schilderen, maar ook de ruimte, het licht en de tijd waarin ze zich bevinden.
Pat Harris is geboren in Dublin in 1953 en studeerde aan het National College of Art and Design, Dublin en aan The Higher Institute of Fine Art Antwerp. Hij was professor schilderkunst aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen van 1986 tot 2015. Hij heeft geëxposeerd in Europa met soloshows in Taylor Galleries Dublin, De Zwarte Panter Antwerpen, Gallery S65 Aalst en Purdy Hicks Gallery London. Zijn werk werd getoond in verschillende belangrijk tentoonstellingen in Ierland, waaronder In The Time of Shaking in het Irish Museum of Modern Art en maakt deel uit van verschillende collecties, waaronder The Arts Council of Ireland, The Irish Museum of Modern Art en Hugh Lane Gallery of Modern Art Dublin. Hij is lid van Aosdána en van The Royal Hibernian Academy Ireland. Pat Harris verdeelt zijn tijd tussen zijn studio in North Mayo, Ierland en België.
_ Born in 1953, Dublin, Ireland
Lives and works in Tielrode, Belgium & Stonefield, North Mayo, Ireland
Pat Harris's paintings are both about the specific and the universal but also and above all about the language and possibilities of paint. Referencing the landscape and environment in which he lives, he paints.
The paintings, oil on linen, are built up in layers, painted over weeks, months, in some cases a year or more. Layers of paint are put down only to be scraped away again, forms are moved, reshaped, and painted over. A painting is often no more than the accumulation
of doubts and uncertainties. The history of the process, the 'Pentimenti', remains visible in the completed painting. The works are an attempt to use paint, marks, to paint not only a rock, a pool, or a flower, but also the space, light and time they inhabit.
Pat Harris was born in Dublin in 1953 and studied at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin and at The Higher Institute of Fine Art Antwerp. He was professor of painting at The Royal Academy of Fine Art Antwerp from 1986 till 2015. He has exhibited widely in Europe with solo shows at Taylor Galleries Dublin, De Zwarte Panter, Antwerp and Gallery S65 Aalst, Belgium. His work has also been included in several major exhibitions of Irish art, including In the Time of Shaking at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. His work is represented in many collections including: The Arts Council of Ireland, Irish Museum of Modern Art, and Hugh Lane Gallery of Modern Art. He is a member of Aosdána and of The Royal Hibernian Academy Ireland and shares his time between his studio in North Mayo, Ireland and Belgium.
_solo exhibitions
Maybe, Taylor Galleries Dublin
Notes from North Mayo, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
The Weight of Light, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
Bonjour Monsieur Harris! In collaboration with Vaast Colson, Lindenlei Ghent, Belgium
Uncertain Space, Fenderesky Gallery Belfast, Northern Ireland
Thin Places, Áras Inis Gluaire, Belmullet, Ireland
Thin Places, Taylor Galleries, Dublin, Ireland
Island, Custom House Studios Gallery, Westport, Mayo, Ireland
Unseen, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
Nuba Suite, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London
Persian Flower, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
The Loose Box, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
Tracings, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
New Work, Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Remnants, Fenton Gallery, Cork, Ireland
Passings, Taylor Galleries Dublin
Pat Harris, Gallery S65, Aalst, Belgium
Pat Harris, Elzenveld, Sint-Jorispand, Antwerp, Belgium
Where the horses walk, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
New Work, Gallery S65, Aalst, Belgium
Pumpkins & Other Things, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
Paintings from North Mayo, The Linen Hall, Castlebar, Ireland
Flowers for Swans, De Zwarte Panter, Antwerp, Belgium
Flowers for Swans, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
Pat Harris, Arts Centre Spinoy, Mechelen, Belgium
Pat Harris, Gallery Brabo, Mercator Building, Antwerp, Belgium
New Work, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
Pat Harris, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
After the fire, County Museum, Temse, Belgium
Pat Harris, Taylor Galleries Dublin, Ireland
Pat Harris, Gallery Danthe, Antwerp, Belgium
_group exhibitions
Abstraction: Landscapes and Otherscapes
HA Annual Exhibition
The Ballinglen Museum of Art Permanent Collection.
Gallagher Gallery, RHA, Dublin
Eye on Nature
Boyle Arts Festival, King House Boyle Roscommon
The Council Members of The Royal Hibernian Academy
Cover Versions- Gallery Press
Purdy Hicks Gallery London
Purdy Hicks Gallery London
Glor Art Centre Ennis County Clare Ireland
Royal Hibernian Academy,Gallagher Gallery , Dublin
RHA Annual Exhibition, RHA, Dublin, Ireland
RHA Collection, RHA, Dublin, Ireland
London Art Fair, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
Purdy Hicks at Sibyl Colefax & John Fowler, London, UK
The Works, B&A Print Collection, Graphic Studio Gallery, Dublin
RHA Annual, RHA, Dublin, Ireland
Boyle Arts Festival, Boyle, Ireland
Tradition & Innovation, Glebe Art Museum, Donegal, Ireland
The world’s smallest exhibition of Paintings, Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast
RHA Annual, RHA, Dublin, Ireland
Boyle Arts Festival, Boyle, Ireland
De Opwarming, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
RHA Annual, RHA, Ireland
Exposure of This world, Doswell Gallery Cork Ireland Eigse
Invited Artist, Carlow, Ireland, New Space, Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast
Les Fleurs Du Mal, Fenderesky Gallery Belfast
Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition, Belfast
RHA Annual Exhibition, RHA Dublin Ireland
Viewfinder, Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford, Ireland
Proper Nouns and Adjectives, Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast,
Confrontatie, OC’t Klooster, Vraasene
RHA Annual Exhibition, RHA Dublin Ireland
Graphic Studio/ 50 Years in Dublin, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
RHA Annual Exhibition, Dublin Ireland
Wandeling, Dacca Loft, Temse, RHA Annual Exhibition, RHA Dublin Ireland
London Art Fair, Purdy Hicks Gallery London
Seàn McSweeney Selects, Glòr Arts Centre, Co. Clare, Ireland
Pat Harris, John Shinnors & Sean McSweeney John Martin Gallery, London, UK
siar 50, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland
A Moment in Time, Temple Bar Galleries, Dublin, Ireland
Across Boundaries, various venues, Ireland
In the time of shaking, Irish artists for Amnesty International, IMMA, Dublin, Ireland
Eclips, Bornem, Puurs and Willebroek, Belgium
Fenderesky Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Living Landscape: European Topographies, West Cork Arts Centre, Ireland, An Tuireann Arts Centre, Isle of Skye, Scotland, Inverness Art Gallery and Museum, Inverness,Scotland, Ion Gallery, Kingussie, Scotland
Gallery S65, Art Basel, Art Brussels, Art Frankfurt
Passages from Ballinglen, List Gallery, Swarthmore Collage,Pennsylvania, USA
o ev+a, Limerick, Ireland (curator Salah M. Hassen)
Gallery S65, Art Brussels, Art Basel, Art Cologne, Art Frankfurt
Gallery S65, Art Brussels, Art Basel, Art Cologne, Art Frankfurt, Art Chicago
00–09 Royal Hibernian Academy, Annual Exhibition, Dublin, Ireland
The Waste Land, University of Antwerp, Belgium
NCAD, 250 Drawings, Gallagher Gallery RHA, Dublin, Ireland ​​